Government of India is emphasizing on 'Make in India' and Reliance Jio has also started work towards 'Self-reliant India'. Recently, Mukesh Ambani made announcements from the stage of his AGM meeting that the company was about to launch 5G network in India. Along with 5G connectivity, Jio had also talked about cheap 5G mobile phones, for which the company has partnered with Google. 91 Mobiles has also published exclusive news of Reliance Jio's Jio Phone 5 project yesterday. Jio is engaged in many big plans but there is one thing common in all this which will be a matter of pride for every Indian that, all services and products from Reliance Jio's will be fully Make In India.
Jio 5g:
Jio 5G is the biggest announcement of not only Reliance Jio but also the telecom market of the country. Announcing the introduction of a 5G network in the country, Mukesh Ambani had clearly described the Jio 5G solution as dedicated to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of 'Self-reliant India'. The company's preparations regarding Jio 5G have been completed and soon the company will start trial of 5G network in the country.
It is believed that the development and expansion of the 5G network in the country will be fully 'Make in India'. Jio 5G is expected to be available to mobile users as soon as 5G spectrum is available in India and next year i.e. in 2021.
Jio 5G Phone:
Jio 5G phone can be the cheapest 5G connectivity equipped phone not only in India but in the whole world. Google is supporting in this work of Reliance Jio. The company has said that Jio and Google will work together on the new Android-based smartphone operating system. The upcoming Jio 5G Phone can be launched on this OS. It is expected that this phone will be based on Android Go.
Jio 5g:
Jio 5G is the biggest announcement of not only Reliance Jio but also the telecom market of the country. Announcing the introduction of a 5G network in the country, Mukesh Ambani had clearly described the Jio 5G solution as dedicated to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of 'Self-reliant India'. The company's preparations regarding Jio 5G have been completed and soon the company will start trial of 5G network in the country.
It is believed that the development and expansion of the 5G network in the country will be fully 'Make in India'. Jio 5G is expected to be available to mobile users as soon as 5G spectrum is available in India and next year i.e. in 2021.
Jio 5G Phone:
Jio 5G phone can be the cheapest 5G connectivity equipped phone not only in India but in the whole world. Google is supporting in this work of Reliance Jio. The company has said that Jio and Google will work together on the new Android-based smartphone operating system. The upcoming Jio 5G Phone can be launched on this OS. It is expected that this phone will be based on Android Go.
At the time of announcement of the phone, Ambani had said that the company's target is to connect every Indian to the Internet. Although the company has not given the information about the name and price of the phone, but the price of this 5G phone, made entirely in India, can be seen close to Rs 5,000.
JioPhone :
A source working for Sk Tech News to Reliance Jio has told that the company is working on its cheap feature phone and the name of this project is JioPhone 5. This project is currently on the development stage, under which Reliance Jio is preparing to bring a very low price mobile phone to the market.
This new feature phone of the company will also be made completely under 'Make in India', in which internet connectivity as well as services like WhatsApp and Facebook can also be found. It will take a little longer for this phone to be launched and available for sale in the market, but it is expected that the price of this phone will be less than 500 rupees.
All the above three projects of Reliance Jio will be made completely under Make in India. All services from 5G network to cheap phones are going to be available to the general public at a low price. It is expected that in the next year i.e. 2021, these three much-awaited projects will start becoming available to the general public.
All the above three projects of Reliance Jio will be made completely under Make in India. All services from 5G network to cheap phones are going to be available to the general public at a low price. It is expected that in the next year i.e. 2021, these three much-awaited projects will start becoming available to the general public.